Braces, Slings & Mobility Aids
Sydney Physiotherapy stock a large number of braces and other joint supports. We have braces for acute injuries, post operation and returning to sport.
Some of these include:
Knee Support
- pre & post operative range of movement
- Zimmer splints
- MCL support
- ACL return to sport braces
- patellofemoral support
- osteoarthritis (OA) support

Ankle Support
- Moon boots
- Ankle ligament support
- Sports ankle braces

Wrist Support
- Short arm fracture brace
- Long arm fracture brace
- De Quervain’s brace
Shoulder support
- Shoulder slings
- We utilize rigid sports taping and kinesiotaping for returning to support with a lesser chance of re-injury
- Can be applied to the ankle, knee, thumb, wrist, shoulder and elbow

Thanks for reading!
To book a consultation or a brace / taping consultaion Click Here